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Carbon: Offsetting or Insetting?
When a company is looking to reduce the amount of COâ‚‚ it creates, two strategies would be carbon offsetting and carbon insetting. What...
UPF? SPF? What's the Difference?
UPF stands for Ultraviolet Protection Factor and is the rating given to clothing for its protection against solar ultraviolet radiation....
PPE for Road Operatives
High visibility protection is essential for any staff working on or near roads. Conspicuous fluorescent fabric is needed to help workers...
Biomotion Indicators
What are biomotion indicators and how do high visibility experts use them to maximise safety? The human brain is designed to recognise...
RIS-3279-TOM Issue 2
RIS-3279-TOM Issue 2 is the Rail Industry Standard for Hi-Visibility Clothing. It sets out the rail industry’s agreed minimum technical...
Railway Orange
Railway garments must not only be orange; they must be a specific shade of orange. As Hivizology specialists we take a look at the why...
Bamboo Fabrics
There has been extraordinary growth in the bamboo textile market over the past ten years in response to increased customer demand for...
Fluorescent Colours
How do fluorescent colours work? Conventional materials absorb visible light energy and reflect visible light energy in the primary...
Women's PPE
Creating the UK’s largest and most innovative women’s high visibility range hasn’t been easy. Here we reflect on the journey so far, and...
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